Yesterday, during the regular June meeting. the Post held a special election to fill vacancies left by the resignation of Karl Clair as Commander for personal reasons. As per Post By-Laws, Senior Vice Commander Ken Calloway was promoted to Post Commander, Junior Vice Commander Clyde Trent was promoted to Senior Vice Commander and an election was called to fill the Junior Vice Commander and Sergeant At Arms position. Current Sergeant At Arms Bill Harris was nominated. No other nominees were named and Mr. Harris was elected to fill the unexpired term as Junior Vice Commander, and Richard Craddock was nominated and elected to serve as Sergeant At Arms.
Here are the Post 577 Officers as a result of the actions of yesterday's elections.
Commander, Ken Calloway
Senior Vice Commander, Clyde Trent
Junior Vice Commander, Bill Harris
Chaplain, Nate Suber
Adjutant, Pierre Wheaton
Service Officer, James Page
Historian, Milt Reichman
Judge Advocate, Clyde Trent
Finance Officer, To Be Announced
Sergeant At Arms, Richard Craddock
These members will be installed into their new officers at the September Post meeting. Congratulations to all the newly elected Officers of Post 577.
3 years ago